Alesha and Adam: Northwest Wedding

Alesha and Adam were married over Memorial Day weekend on Vancouver Island north of Sooke Harbor at the Point No Point Resort. It was a small wedding with just their parents and Alesha's sister in attendance, and despite the threat of rain the entire day, everything worked out perfectly.

It was SUCH a unique wedding. Between the intimate guest list, the Northwest beach ceremony, the rubber boots Alesha borrowed at the last minute and then wore all day, and the late night campfire to top evening off, this wedding will truly stand out to me as a memorable one. It's nice when everything works out perfectly despite the threat of rain.

Oh, and Alesha and Adam were incredible... so easy going. They were completely flexible the entire day, didn't once complain about wet weather, and they even kept thinking of ways to bless Mindy and I even though we really just wanted them to blend into the background and let them enjoy their wedding day. Thank you, Alesha and Adam, for everything. Enjoy!
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